Kamis, 24 November 2011

  1. A. It’s not a compound, because for  part example of compound NaCl- or similiar as Salt . When we try to heat it, it will melted gardually according the temperatures are rising 230°C , but it also will be freze whenever we try to cool it . and it’s not match based on the information above. It’s probably an element because according to the cash based of the information above , it shows the elements’s properties when we know the element only can react to be form only once and can’t remake or “get decomposition”
B. Yes it does. Yes it can because the pure substances X getting melted when it heated it means that it similiar happen as the Ice burg melted who being example of endhoterm .
C. Yes it can, Because the liquid has the element’s properties . the liquid can’t remake a solid form or can’t transform or getting decomposition being a product.  it only can make once but it can’t remake it has similiar as elements’s porpeties.

  1. it probably was’t match, why? Because the first weight of candle only 10 g when it burned by oxygen, but let we take a look on carbon dioxide when it reacts with oxygen it has weight MORE THAN 10 gram. It against with that law of conseravtion of massa .

  1. it can be differentiate by two ways
    • when oxygen react with carbon we sould check kind of carbon who react with oxygen , is it a solid or a gas . when it form in (HF) or (HC) it forms as a solid . but when it form as ( HD) It forms as a gas .
    • next with by seeing the yield of reaction:
-         C + O²    => CO²
-         C + ½O² => CO

  1.  -Because he did the mistake realizly, he just cross the rule of putting the elements to what it has to be put. He did it cause want to make the numbering massa balanced with the neighboured colum periodic table until he cross the rule .but by the time it apparently correct.
-Because by the time the other modern teori prove there were some of mendeleev teory was wrong the it make it more completed and correctly.

  1. HgCl² + AgNo³ => AgCl² + Hg(No³)²

  • White solid = AgCl²